The family of the gunman who claimed the lives of 50 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history is speaking out.
As the world struggles to cope with the devastating after effects of gunman Omar Marteen’s unspeakable act, his father has come forward to offer some insight into why his son may have done what he did.
In a statement to NBC News on Sunday just hours after details about the shooting began to surface, Marteen’s father Mir Seddique said the family was in shock and issued an apology for their son’s horrific actions.
50 Dead After Florida Nightclub Shooting Massacre Becomes Deadliest In History
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” Seddique’s said in the statement. “We weren’t aware of any action he is taking. We are in shock like the whole country. This had nothing to do with religion.”
Although Seddique says he doesn’t know for sure why his son choose to target prominent LGBT nightclub The Pulse in the deadly attack, he did reveal that his son “became very angry” when he observed two men kissing in Miami a few months ago, which he believes was part of the motive.
According to CNN, it was later revealed that Marteen made a 911 call during the attack, in which he pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State. Although the Islamic State has since come forward to claim responsibility for the tragedy, the FBI says they have yet to find concrete evidence linking the organization to the attack.
The names of 48 of the 50 victims have now been made public as family members have been contacted. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the city of Orlando and all affected by this senseless, terrible act of hatred.
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