Michaela Angela Davis is a Hillary Clinton supporter, and in a new video, she gives us pointers why she is “with her.”
The main message: “Let’s get a badass woman in the White House.”
Released under the group Filmmakers For Hillary, a coalition of creatives committed to electing Clinton, Davis speaks straight to camera while getting her hair braided — or as she tweeted it, “Sisters talk real ish while getting our hair did.”
The award-winning activist lists Clinton’s many credentials as to why she deserves to be the first female president (“because Hillary is a badass”), before encouraging everyone to head to the polls.
“So vote. Bring your aunty, bring your mama, bring Peanut, bring Peanut’s girlfriend,” she pleads.
The video was created under the umbrella of Davis’ MAD FREE project and filmmaker Salima Koroma. Watch it below:
Michaela Angela Davis from Filmmakers for Hillary on Vimeo.