Milwaukee activist Quanita “Tay” Jackson, 20, was killed Sunday night near a local park, where just a day before she had organized a basketball tournament for the city’s youth.
Jackson was known for fighting for peace and systemic change in a community plagued by intracommunity and state violence. Jackson was particularly dedicated to young people and often created fun, safe activities for them.
Jackson was shot across the street from Moody Park, where she had spent her Saturday getting things organized for a youth basketball tournament for peace.
“She had an amazing talent,” Tom Schneider, executive director of Children’s Outing Association Youth & Family Centers of Milwaukee, said Monday.
“But she had more than talent,” Schneider said. “She had heart.”
Program the Parks founder Vaun Mayes, made it clear that Jackson was key to putting together the tournament.
“Tay was glowing. She was happy. She was dancing,” Mayes said. “We had youth ambassador shirts made and she was so excited about that, and that’s what makes it worse. That she’s gone just a day later.”
There is a 25,000 reward for information leading to the person responsible for Jackson’s death.