Raising Grandchildren Affects Health of Grandparents
Oprah was raised by one, so too Jamie Foxx: grandmothers who went above
and beyond. It's no secret that African American grandparents,
grandmothers, particularly, have long been the bedrock of the
community, even going as far as raising their grandchildren, despite
the hardships they faced.
A new study out of Texas says that the challenges of raising children
can sometimes have adverse effect on the mental health of
grandparents. Research conducted by Mary Ellen Trail Ross, DrPH (an
African American) of the UTHealth School of Nursing found that 94% of
the grandparents surveyed suffered from clinical depression. Added to that are lifestyle changes to accommodate grandchildren like
getting less sleep, poor diet and financial hardship, especially during
a recession. Read More: Is it Harder for Black Moms?The Hair Bond Between Black Moms and Daughters