Tuesday marked the 60th Anniversary of the day Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a public city bus and her heroic actions have once again been commemorated in a significant way.
The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) unveiled a reserved seat for the civil rights icon acknowledging her courage and her resilience, Huffington Post reported.
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DART President and Executive Director Gary Thomas said that, “her decisions to keep her seat reminds us all to focus on the larger issues of equality, opportunity, and hope for the future.”
“We cannot overstate the significance of her simple and brave act,” he added.
The reserved seat occupied more than 500 of the cites buses with a sign that read “Reserved in Honor of Rosa Parks” as a reminder of Park’s decision to stand for equality by taking a seat.
U.S. Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson also commented on the anniversary unveiling stating that, “Rosa Parks’ actions that day set about a beginning of more understanding, a beginning of people of color have the same desires, wishes and interests in a good life as anyone else.”