Since Lance Armstrong admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs, the scandal has been the topic of conversation for many celebrities and other pro athletes, including Serena Williams. “I think a lot of people now look and are like, ‘OK, if somebody (is) that great, what about everyone else in every other sport?’” commented Williams after third-round wins at the Australian Open.
Armstrong openly admitted to doping and lying during seven straight Tour de France titles this past Thursday in his interview with Oprah Winfrey. “As an athlete, as someone that works really, really hard since I was 4 or 3, I think it’s a sad day for all athletes in general. Overall, it’s even more disappointing for the people that were adversely affected through everything. You can only just hope for the best for them” Williams said.
The cyclist revealed during the second half of his televised interview with Winfrey on Friday that he lost $75 million in sponsorship deals once allegations were confirmed.