Serena Williams has made a name for herself in the world of tennis; recently becoming the world’s highest paid female athlete – a title long overdue. But what if Serena Williams had never picked up a tennis racket? What would her world be like?
In an interview with WSJ, Williams shares what it is she would be doing if she woke up one day to find she was not a globally famous tennis champion.“[I would do] ordinary things,” says Williams. “I’d go to the mall. I never go to the mall.”
13 Secrets to Serena Williams’ Success
She theorizes details of her non-tennis life.
“I think I would be in California,” she continues. “Maybe I would be married? Maybe I would have kids? I would like to believe I would. I would have probably gone into some kind of science. I love animals. Maybe I would have become a veterinarian.”
But alas, Williams did pick up a tennis racket and dominated an industry that overlooked her.
“I’ve had people put me down because I didn’t look like them,” Williams once said in a speech. “I’ve had people look past me because of the color of my skin. I’ve had people overlook me because I was a woman… I’m still going.”
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