Even though we have yet to pack up our knee-high boots, we can see the trees beginning to bud, and you know what that means… just a few more weeks until spring is here for good, not just a quick weekend…
Spring is the season of renewal, rejuvenation, and light!
We’re not just talking about the extra hours of sun, or the lightness that comes from shedding those pesky winter pounds. We’re referring to the freedom and lightness that we gain through emotional shedding and spiritual renewal.
Every year around this time we feel compelled to clean our apartment from top to bottom, ridding ourselves of the winter clutter. We pack away our sweaters until next year, and then run to the store to pick up lighter spring looks that make us feel fresh and bright.
This year we’re taking our spring cleaning to the next level and eliminating more than just excess “stuff.” We’re sweeping out all of the uninspiring thoughts, people, ideas and actions that weigh us down rather than lift us up. And we invite you to join us!
We’re putting an end to the negative energy exchange we have with ourselves and others, and are literally “living light” — physically, emotionally and spiritually.
No longer will we bury ourselves under thoughts that begin with, “I wish I looked… I wish I could… I wish I had…” — you fill in the blank. That kind of negative thinking blocks us from realizing true abundance and joy, and clouds otherwise sunny days.
We’re saying “so long” to other people’s cynicism and welcoming exhilaration. We all have those friends or family members that call us to “check-in,” but instead of the exchange making you feel boosted and energized, you hang-up the phone feeling sucked dry like an unsuspecting victim in “Twilight.” We’ve decided not to be burdened by them anymore.
These are the thoughts, people, and ideas that thwart our own rejuvenation and revitalization. This spring we’re cleaning out the mental clutter and excess baggage that weigh us down, and are creating space for fulfillment and peace. And you can too!
So this season, as you sweep out winter and spring ahead, challenge yourself to “live light” and bloom into a lighter fresher YOU!
Danielle and Aisha Moodie-Mills are Living, Loving and Laboring OUT Loud! They serve as
Advisors for LGBT Policy and Racial Justice at the Center for American Progress where their
work looks at the impact of public policy on gay and transgender African Americans.
Follow them on Twitter @FIREFund and @threeLOL.