By now, you’ve likely seen or heard about Deztin and Kingston Pryor, the too-cute-for-words father and son duo who went viral for having a full-on conversation during an episode of Empire.
In the footage captured by Deztin’s wife Shanieke Pryor, the pair sit next to each other on the couch and react to the episode even though baby Kingston doesn’t know how to speak yet. The baby points at the TV and babbles while Dad reacts as if they have their own secret language. Seriously, its enough to make you melt. The video has garnered so much attention that it currently has over 58 million views and 1.5 million shares.
Before the viral hype even died down, the Pryors secured a major bag. Denny’s scooped them up for a new Father’s Day commercial. “What’s going on in your life, huh?” DJ asks his son, kicking off another conversation.
DJ and Shanieke spoke to The Leaf Chronicle and revealed the the viral video with Kington was shot a month ago before it garnered major attention. The couple says they never thought it would go viral. “It’s just been crazy,” Shanieke said. “I think sometimes we’re just in disbelief on just how fast it has grown. My husband didn’t even know I had posted it.”
DJ also says he thinks his son is well aware of his newfound popularity. “I feel like he understands. He’s been walking around the house like he knows he’s famous, and I don’t like it at all,” he laughed.