An intruder received the shock of his life when the older woman he thought he was robbing turned out to be an award-winning bodybuilder—who could more than defend herself!
The incident in Rochester, N.Y. took place earlier this week when just after 11 p.m. on Thursday, 82-year-old Willie Murphy heard a knock on the door. And according to her account to WHAM-13, there was a man at the door claiming to be ill and in need of an ambulance
“He was outside and saying, ‘Please call an ambulance,’ saying, ‘I’m sick, I’m sick,’” she said.
However, she refused to let him inside and she says that he became irate.
“I hear a loud noise,” she said. “I’m thinking, what the heck was that? The young man is in my home. He broke the door.”
“He picked the wrong house to break into,” she added.
Murphy is a longtime bodybuilder who works out almost every day. According to WHAM-13, she can deadlift 225 pounds.
To defend herself from the intruder, she used a table, poured shampoo on him, and hit him with her broom among other things.
By the time police arrived, the man had to be sent to the hospital.

“The officers that came wanted to go on my front porch and take selfies with me,” she said.